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Are you listening?

By July 19, 2023October 27th, 2023No Comments

Check out the Reverse podcast!

I never in my lifetime thought I’d be hosting a podcast, but I am — and I love it! It helps that I’m a naturally curious (and nosy) person. I’ve learned how to ask pertinent questions in a way that makes people want to open up. All of my guests so far have been engaging, fun and eager to share their knowledge with listeners. And they’re being heard outside of South Carolina. We have listeners in California, Maryland, Illinois, New England, Canada and even Australia and Israel.

The Navigating in Reverse podcast takes a conversational approach to the topics we cover. In other words, it’s not just me running my mouth. I invite guests with expertise in topics caregivers want and need to hear about. Caregivers are busy people and have very little time to be researching and seeking out the information they need. Listening is a passive activity, allowing you to absorb information while doing something else that doesn’t require your full attention — like cooking, cleaning or gardening — or while filling idle time sitting at the DMV, a doctor’s office or in the car.

I have to give a shout out to Andy Haworth, our sound engineer and audio editor. He keeps the guests and me on track and makes sure we’re producing a quality product. You can subscribe to the  Navigating in Reverse podcast from wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts, including Apple, Amazon, Spotify and YouTube. And if you have a suggestion for a topic or guest, just email me!

In the July 2023 issue…

Did you know that the articles in the magazine are also posted on our website? The digital version allows you to share articles with others, whether by email or social media. The magazine also makes a great gift. As a matter of fact, our proofreader, Amy, just gifted her parents with a subscription. Mr. and Mrs. Newman, enjoy the read!

In addition to the in-depth articles in this issue on pharmacies and medication, we’re introducing a new feature, The Advocate’s Advantage, which will provide information on resident and patient rights related to senior and long-term care. Our aim is to educate and equip caregivers to be advocates for the quality care and services their loved ones deserve.

Did you enjoy the unusually long spring we had? I spent lots of time working, reading and eating on my deck over the last few weeks, alone and with friends. Maybe outside is a good place to enjoy your copy of Reverse — you’ll find we included an article about the importance of spending time outdoors.


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